Monday, April 7, 2008

Clean-Up Results In

The weather was fantastic and four of us made it to Bear Saddle - and what a bear it was. We started collecting some of the heavy trash - back packs and clothing - about a half-mile below the saddle. We got the bags to the saddle and filled some more. Bags were shuttled down to the spring and more bags packed on the way down and at the spring. In all 16 bags were left at the spring for latter pick-up by horses. The horse crew - led by Ron of Arizona Horse Back Experience in Sonoita spent a long day on Sunday packing the bags out. A few of ours were over stuffed so they ended up hauling about 20 bags out from the Spring.

Connie and Kevin collecting trash at the saddle. I think that Connie probably hiked two miles further than the rest of us - any bit of trash in sight was collected. Kevin found a number of unopened cans of tuna in back packs - as he put it the cats will be eating good for awhile.

Susan - my 98 pound sister making the saddle. She loaded up several more bags and then yoked two of the large green bags together across her shoulders for the trip down to the Spring.

Connie was the last out at 5:12 pm- not because she was hiking slower but rather because she filled one last bag on the way out and took some of the immigrant routes off the main trail on the way down. Here she is dumping that last bag.

Jeff, Pam, Jenny and Jeremy started out with us - they turned back before the saddle but did fill at least one bag with trash found around the Comfort Spring area.

Thanks everyone for you hard efforts - four of us did a great job cleaning up a remote area along the Arizona Trail. Getting the trash out of the spring will sure make it a more pleasant experience when I run by it next time. Please inform me of any future efforts by others- I will be happy to come out and to help get the word out.

Below is a picture Connie took of the bags at the Spring


Connie said...

Hi Steve...nice report! Mine is a bit more wordy in my own blog, and I only posted a few pics because I didn't want to infringe on others' privacy without their consent.
I do have a nice shot of Susan I'd like to send you. At any rate I am glad we were able to help out and make a difference. Tomorrow I'll do more trail trash pick-up off the Carr Cyn Picnio area.

Steve said...

Connie - those are some great pics on your blog. Ron - the horse packer had a 12+ hour day getting the bags out. I think we can all appreciate the horses after hauling the bags for a half-mile down to the Spring. I plan on retrieving the bag at Comfort Spring on Thurs. and the one I left in Ramsey on Friday.

Anonymous said...

Steve thanks for you and ther volunteers effort to clean up the trail and springs, me and the other squirrels love it!

Connie said...

Steve, we had our monthly hiking club meeting last night. Steve S asked about the trail condistions along Bear Saddle and I told him about the 3-4 big blow-downs. He's made a note and we will try to get those removed at our next trail maintenance day later this month. It's either 26 or 27th April. Naturally that will also include some trash removal.

Steve said...

I did not realize the club cut downed trees - sounds good. I am running a 50 mile race near Payson that weekend, otherwise I would join in on picking up mo trash.

By the way I hauled out that bag that I left in Ramsey on Weds. after work - on the way in about 5:30 pm I ran into three illegals hiking down. I plan on getting the other bag at comfort spring on Sunday.