Thursday, March 13, 2008

Busy Morning on the Border

It is finally getting light enough to run my 6.5 mile loop in Coronado National Monument in the morning before work. The early morning air inspired me to charge up the hill - as I crested the top and started down I was in for a suprise. I came around a corner and a border patrol agent was running towards me - we both stopped about 10 feet apart and he asked if I was a US citizen to which I replied, "of course." He let me know that I was pretty close to being tackled on the trail - too bad it would have made for a more interesting story. He radioed the others to let them know the suspect ID'd as a citizen.

There were about 5 agents prowling around - apparently a group of illegals had scattered in the area earlier that morning. The skinny agent was out front pounding the trail and the others were working their way around off the trail to close in on me. I'm glad they do not carry batman nets - I'm sure the agent would have fired a net at me if he had it.

I did suprise a small group of illegal immigrants in Ash Canyon last year - I came charging around a corner and they immediately left the trail and ran off into the brush. All part of the fun in running along the border.

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